Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Fiery Gizzard: Voices from the Wilderness
Mary Patten Priestly

This unique book blends history and natural history to tell the story of the Fiery Gizzard, now a part of South Cumberland State Park. The Author edits The Plant Press, newsletter of the Sewanee
Herbarium, so the emphasis on native plants and botanical rarities is not surprising.

She also reveals the geologic history of “the Giz” and speaks somewhat of the fauna, but her real story is one of people. From Bartrum and other early explorers, to modern day naturalists, artists, and citizens, Priestly explains why these people found the Fiery Gizzard an important place, and sought to live nearby and, eventually, to preserve it as a park for future generations.

This short book is an easy read, but fascinating for anyone interested in conservation or the outdoors.